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Passing CLI Arguments to the Task

CLI Arguments in official documentation

Intro to Passing CLI Arguments to the Task

Here is the Taskfile to follow along.

Open the working directory in terminal (I suggest you to use ./working_dir)

Remember that you can pass an environment variable to the task in command line?
You might as well use CLI arguments as a special variable inside your tasks.
Let's learn how.

Inside the task this varibale will look like this: {{.CLI_ARGS}}

Create a new taskfile (task --init) and add a task to it:

    desc: 'usage: task greet-cli -- username'
      - echo "Hello dear {{.CLI_ARGS}}"

Call that task with your name as an argument like this:
task greet-cli -- username

It should greet you by username.
Obviously this feature is useful in more realistic applications as well.
Like one in the next chapter.

Next chapter