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Jen Groovy - Jenkins Task Execution Library

Jen implemented as a step for scripted pipelines, allowing to run Taskfile as it were native jenkins stage


Include in your scripted pipeline next block:

    catchError {
            jen.step_stages_from_tasks(jg, '.', 'Taskfile.yml', 'ci-build')

Stage (In Place) Generation From TaskFile

It will create stage from each command in list of task ci-build in Taskfile:

    desc: build as ci cd
      - task venv-install
      - task test-ci
      - task run

Generated stages will be something like:

  stage('task venv-install'){
      sh 'task venv-install'
  stage('task test-ci'){
      sh 'task test-ci'
  stage('task run'){
      sh 'task run'


JEN-01 create parallel stages execution for deps calculation

  • not for root tasks (why? better not now)
  • only for stage task (not for steps)
  • dependencies will be calculated using parallel jenkins execution - on same node? - different node? - docker agent? - aggegation stage will include steps as commands (after [JEN-02])

JEN-02 break each stage commands to steps

  • in root task each command is a stage in jenkins
  • currently with one step
  • however if stage is task call it can be broken to steps
  • each step will reperesent a command from a stage-task