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Groovy Essentials




Difference from Python

kwargs and args

method call

Imports and Dymanic loading

Load Class (import) from custom groovy file


File sourceFile = new File("/full/path/to/./src/org/jenslib/jentools.groovy");
Class groovyClass = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(sourceFile);
GroovyObject myObject = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance();

Evaluate code ad-hoc

Evaluate text url_from=

// evaluate implicitly creates a class based on the filename specified
evaluate(new File("./Testutils.groovy"))
// Safer to use 'def' here as Groovy seems fussy about whether the filename (and therefore implicit class name) has a capital first letter
def tu = new Testutils()
tu.myUtilityMethod("hello world")